Jose A. Esquivel
Jose A. Esquivel is a director. Mr. Esquivel is the brother of Dr. J. Al. Esquivel Shuler. Mr. Esquivel has a background in Public Accounting, Securities Finance, Merger & Acquisition and entrepreneurship. He has participated in 31 mergers, various secondaries, 2 IPO’s and a number of bankruptcy re-capitalisations.
He has served on the board of a large number of public companies and has held a number of corporate positions up to being President of a NASDAQ Small Cap Company. He has worked under contract on a project basis for a number of large Investment Banking concerns.
Mr. Esquivel is an expert witness in two Federal Districts on the subject of Public Securities, Equity Financing, disclosure rules, reporting standards and listed company financial administration. He enjoys a B.Sc. in Economics from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.